Jyoti rushes to the rally after seeing the pic of Kabir sent to her. The car breaks down and she decides to run. Her shoe breaks so she starts running barefoot and her foot starts bleeding. Kabir and the rest spot her coming and she runs up screaming for Kabir to return home at once. The assassin is ready to shoot and takes out the photo given to him. We see the whole thing and we see that Jyoti’s face was actually the one with an X on it. Jyoti’s mangulsutra falls to the floor and as she bends to get it the assassin shoots. Jyoti is hurt and is rushed to the hospital.
At the hospital, Jyoti is taken into the ER while the rest of the family gets there. RP notices how Chachi and Vik exchange smirks. The doctor comes out and announces that Jyoti was just grazed by the bullet and is not hurt. Kabir goes in to meet her and Jyoti tries to make the moment light. He returns her mangulsutra and puts it around her neck. Outside, Chachi yells at the assassin over the phone. RP overhears this and asks her if she was not behind all this. Chachi and Vikrant return home and Chachi explains to Vikrant abt her plan and how getting Jyoti out of the way would’ve helped her so much.
At the hospital at night Kabir is feeding Jyoti. He leaves to get meds and Jyoti gets up to drink some water. She feels someone calling out to her and wanders off. Kabir finds her and takes her back to the room. Just then we see Pankaj and Roshni walk into the hospital. End.