The last day of the shooting for the Tamil film, Endhiran witnessed something very unusual. Not only South superstar Rajinikant, but the entire team of Endhiran was taken to a surprise by the unusual gesture of Aishwarys Rai.
Well, the Bollywood beauty actually went down to touch the superstars feet to seek his blessing.
A source from the sets revealed, After the last shot was filmed, Aishwarya touched the Superstars feet seeking his blessing. Rajini, who didnt expect this, was shocked initially but soon composed himself and blessed her.
Aish also found it difficult to part ways with the entire cast and crew of the movie as she had developed a very close relationship with them. After all she had shot with them for almost two years.
Endhiran (The Robot in Hindi), is starring South superstar Rajinikant and Bollywood beauty Aishwarya Rai in the lead.