Ever since Dostana sequel came as a thought to director Tarun Mansukhani, there has been non stop buzz about several things, be it Katrina Kaifs look for the film or the continuation of Abhishek Bachchan-John Abraham onscreen jodi.
But, the shocking part is that Junior Bachchan apprehensive to repeat his role in Dostana 2. This is because; he is unable to figure out how the film could be as funny and entertaining as original, which was a huge hit.
He tells a news agency; I couldnt see how Tarun Mansukhani could make it funnier.
Director Tarun assured him that he will write a good script and told Abhi,
Youll be the first person Id narrate it to. If you dont like it, then Id throw it away.
Well, Tarun did prove his worth. Abhi seemed to have fallen in love with the script and is hoping that Dostana 2 will make bigger waves.