Na Aana Iss Desh Laado 27th October 2010 Written Update

jagira is showing sia’s photo to his accomplices and telling them that they have to kill her.they continue on how they will have to give ammaji the good news as soon as possible.raghav is driving fast to reach sia.sia in the hospital asks avater to buy some medicines and tells him that she has some more tests to finish.avater is reluctant to leave her alone but sia convinces that raghav will reach the hospital soon..avater leaves with sia going to the durga temple where she cries in front of god questioning her the fate that hasbeen handed out to her.she asks god as to what mistake she has done to deserve all this.she pleads with god to spare her daughter’s life as her dream of daughters in veerpur would never be fulfilled otherwise.she tells god that she will accept whatever fate is handed to her and also pleads for strength to hide all this from raghav as his love would would weaken her.sia cries and tells god that she only wants their daughters to be alive.she leaves after that.VKG in her room is pacing trying jagira’s number so to stop him from finishing the job he is given but to no avail

raghav is about hit another vehicles but accident is averted as he applies a sudden brake.he sees sia crossing the the same time jagira is speeding in his lorry,sees sia crossing and the lorry is about to hit her.raghav keeps calling for sia but falls on deaf ears.he runs towards sia but is unable to reach her within which VKG saves sia by pulling sia to the side and get injured in the proccess.raghav goes towards sia and checks whether she is alright.he sees vkg bruised and lifts her and brings her to the heilli.jagira meanwhile phones to jogi for the reason as to why VKG saved sia.DS explains and asks him to hide for some days.VKG in her room asks whether sia is alright.sia catches her hand and tells her that she is ok.thanks her for saving both their lives and tells VKG that she felt like her relative only today.she tells everybody that she is against sia’s daughters and is not sia’s enemy who wants to kill her.raghav is grateful and apologises to VKG for his recent behaviour towards her.VKG tells him that all this has been done by somebody wanting to create a rift in the family.she asks for raghav’s help in finding that enemy out.raghav promises that he would be mama’s shravan kumar again.dv comes and tells mm all about what happened,MM is upset about VKG’s plan and her family reunion .he vows to kill all so that she suffers.

precap-DS tells ammaji that they need not kill sia as god has taken care of it and that he is waiting for her death now
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