I love you 100 times.
I miss you 2,000 times.
I want to be with you always and forever!!
I love you 1 in a million times of each day.
I want to make you mine.
I love you for you and only.
I mean every word!
I think about you more and more every 24hrs and 7days a week.
My heart bleeds for you.
My tears fall for you cause I'm lonely.
Many times I think of the day that you say those 4 words.
In the days that you are away it's how many times I say
I miss you even 365 days of the year.
Sweetie just know that I really, truly & madly love you.
Valentine treasures are people who have often crossed your mind, family, friends and others, too,
who in your life have shined the warmth of love or a spark of light that makes you remember them.
No matter how long since you've actually met,
Each one is a luminous gem who gleams and glows in your memory,
Bringing special pleasures, and that's why this Valentine comes to you.
You're one of those sparkling treasures!
When the sky looks blue "I Miss u".
When the dreams come true "I Miss u".
When the flowers covered with dew "I Miss u".
When the day comes new "I Miss u".
Anand srivastava
Dear Shona,
U mean a world to me
My heart beats only becoz u live in it
You are my jaan, my princess, my sweet, cute, world best baby doll
No one can ever take ur place in my life...never ever
Please be wimme always
Love you hamesha....forever...
Valentine is near
Just wishing you were here
You will always be near
My heart will never be the same
Beneath my skin, my soul lies waiting for you
Everyday I think of you I feel blue
Never give up hope
Remembering the first kiss
All I ask is to be with you
And for you to be my Valentine
For I will always cherish your heart in mine.
Hey babe,
Happy Valentine's Day and just pretty much I want you to never forget I love you very much, because hopefully you know?
Joy Holliway
To My Loving Jaanu,
You remain in my world,happiness and joy.
Always be my valentine.
Love u lotsss Jaanu..
Sweetu 418 (Kiran )
I m lucky to have u in my life.
U r the world tome.
Even tough we r apart,u will always stay in my heart.
I feel that in absence we realize how strong our love is.
I will always cherish the moments that we spend together.
If our love is true, god will surely show us the way.
Plz be my valentine 4ever.
I want to be ur lady n walk with u on the path wherever you take me.
May god bless you always.
Really i don't know it is love or what but to live life without u is not possible. U will be with me for all my life but still i don't know i will able to convey this three letters message to you or not.
Kiss is not like Nokia...Connecting People
Kiss is not like Nike...Just Do It
Kiss is not like Pepsi...Yeh Dil Maange More
But Kiss is like Pan Parag...Ek Se Mera Kya Hoga
Happy Valentines Day
You've given me a reason for smiling once again,
You've filled my life with peaceful dreams and
you've become my closest friend.
My Dear Nelson,
This is to wish you a great and fulfilled Valentine.
More to let you know that am sincerely grateful to God for bringing you my way.
Baby,my eyes are blind without your eyes to see.
My love,am like a rose without colour when ever am not with you.
I truly love and care for you.
I miss you so much my Sunshine.
Nancy Nnenna
To you Barjas my Babe,
You are like an answered prayer.
Thru our eyes we met and we knew immediately we are meant for each other.
You don't care about my past ,you accepted me as who I am.
You came to my life when I needed you most.
You're the greatest Valentine Gift I ever had.
I will keep you always inside my heart..this I tell you. I love you also.
To, Poonam Sewani...
My eyes are blind without ur eyes to see, like a rose without colour.
My Princess I Love U so much.
Mahesh Seetlani
Since I have met you I wake up with a smile.
I never knew I could feel this way!
Somehow you broke down my walls and I m so happy you did.
Thank you for being so amazing!
Larry, I love you a lot!!!
My heart beats every moment when yours is next to mine.
Hugs & Kisses.
Love is not an exam to pass or fail,
Love is not a competition to win or loss,
But love is a feeling in which you care for someone more than yourself...
Tomorrow is 13 February 2011 and today is kiss day people are searching hug pictures, hug, hug day, hug quotes, hug wallpapers, hug day wallpapers, hug sms, kiss sms, hug day sms, happy valentine day, hug quotes, kiss quotes
Love is the name,kiss is the game forget the name lets play the game.
Love is heat.
You are sweet.
When two Lips are meet.
Love is complete.
Dear customer! your kiss balance is getting low!! Please get somebody and recharge ur balance now! u have 2 free kiss, and 3minutes hug will be expired on Tomorrow
Tags:hug day scraps, kiss day scraps, hug day, hug day sms, kiss day, hug day pics, kiss day sms, kiss day, valentine week list, kiss day 2011, kiss day date, hug day sms, hug pictures, hug, hug day, hug quotes, hug wallpapers, hug day wallpapers, hug sms, kiss sms, hug day sms, happy valentine day, hug quotes, kiss quotes, happy hug day sms, happy hug day, valentine pictures, valentine, valantine, happy kiss day
Take one and get one Free-Happy Hug’s Day
Love is the name,kiss is the game
forget the name
lets play the game.

Love is heat.
You are sweet.
When two Lips are meet.
Love is complete.
If you are ever in doubt
as to whether or not to
kiss a pretty girl,
always give her the
benefit of the doubt.